New Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) System
Queensland is introducing a new QCE system starting with Year 11 students in 2019. From 2020, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will replace the Overall Position (OP) as the standard pathway to tertiary study for Queensland Year 12s.
Key features include of the system include:
• new and redeveloped QCAA senior syllabuses
• external assessment in most senior subjects
• new quality assurance processes to strengthen the quality and comparability of school-based assessment
• changes to QCE eligibility requirements
• the introduction of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Resources available:
The Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) has a
webpage dedicated to brochures and fact sheets containing all of the relevant information.
The Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) also has a webpage dedicated to the ATAR. It includes a white paper about inter-subject scaling amongst other resources. This can be accessed at:
Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan
During Year 10, students can choose their pathway through the senior phase of learning. To finalise their learning plans, students and their parent/guardian will need to complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) plan interview.
SET Plans aim to help students make important decisions about their future education, training and employment.
Year 12 curriculum – 2019 only
After completing Year 10, students choose from a broader range of learning options that may lead to a:
• Senior Statement
• Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
• Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
• Tertiary Entrance Statement (OP eligible students)
• VET Certificate qualification.
All Year 11 and 12 students study one English and one mathematics subject. They also choose 4 Authority or Authority Registered subjects.
To be eligible for an Overall Position (OP), students must undertake at least 6 subjects, 5 of which are authority subjects, over 2 years. Students can include 1 authority-registered subject in their total of 6, and still be OP-eligible.
Year 11 curriculum – 2019 and beyond
After completing Year 10, students choose from a broader range of learning options that may lead to a:
• Senior Statement
• Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
• Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
• Tertiary Entrance Statement (ATAR eligible students)
• VET Certificate qualification.
All Year 11 and 12 students study one English and one Mathematics subject. Students will either undertake an ATAR pathway or a vocational pathway.
To be eligible for an ATAR students must study English or EALD.
How will ATARs be calculated?
ATARs will be based on five subjects, which can either be:
• five general subjects; or
• four general subjects, plus one vocational education and training qualification at Certificate III or above; or
• four general subjects, plus one applied subject
Students will have to satisfactorily complete an English subject to be eligible for an ATAR, but their English result will not be a mandatory inclusion in the calculation of their ATAR.
How should students choose their subjects?
As in the current system, students should choose subjects according to their learning goals, and what they enjoy and are good at. They should pay close attention to the prerequisite requirements of the courses they are considering for tertiary study.
Vocational education
VET courses can be studied as stand-alone academic courses at school (delivered through Runcorn SHS as the RTO or external providers at a small cost) or combined with on the job training in the form of School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SAT’s).
These include:
• school-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SAT)• attending registered training organisations (RTO)• work experience.
These are available to all Year 11 and 12 students. In some cases, Year 10 students can access these pathways. Students need to have an up to date Resume. For more information, contact Senior Schooling HOD Mr Merv Swords