Since 1986, Runcorn State High School has developed a fine tradition of producing conscientious and aspirational students. Our ‘Runcorn Way' of high expectations and personalised learning is founded on the school motto of 'Pride, Success, Excellence'.
Our academic staff work first to know our students and then target the learning to each student’s needs. This is the ethic of care and the tone of the school is calm and purposeful.
We offer a broad, inclusive curriculum encompassing both academic and vocational pathways. There is an active arts program, including instrumental music. The school is a gateway school in manufacturing and engineering and is unique in South-East Queensland. In the sporting arena the 'Runcorn Blues' continues to be known for the specialist academies in touch football and basketball.
Our expert teaching and contemporary educational facilities combine to ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed and graduate with a clear career pathway in place.